

Round. Subconscious. Tenderness. Green. Gloss. Rotate. Rigid. Voice.

Never have I, always a lie, awake in the warmth of the artificial Sun. While the Eye keeps watch, a woodland of gold in my eyes… The scent of a royal feast and the light of yesteryear. Seeds of temporary redemption and eyes of temptation. Never have I, but yes, I’ve had.

In future unknown but visible, words unheard but spoken… I lie in wait for a sparkling presence. There it is. Close but untouchable, growing distant but always within reach. Unfathomable cruelty – all in a beautifully-packaged dream.

Words from worlds away, eyes open. Where thoughts are written and minds transported. Why can’t we do bodies too? What looks full and yet is empty, what screams out and yet is voiceless. All is trapped within a shell, a smile that tells of disaster. Was that everything?

A sound, a voice, three voices, knock.

That was everything I wanted.

But maybe not.



What difference will I now make?