You know, trying hard doesn’t mean success will happen.
We’re just… So used to success. So used to working hard and having things just materialize in front of us, in ways we wanted it to happen. Sometimes we don’t even work for it and it falls onto our laps – the fortuitous turn of events in our favour.
But we’re spoilt. Things don’t have to work out your way, no matter how hard you try or how persistent you are. Things will work out the way they will, and no amount of resistance could change that. There are things we can shape, and there are things we cannot. We can only try.
You showed courage to take that step – ill-advised as it were. You bravely sought after forever; even held it in your hands for a fleeting moment in time. In that moment it was infinity, a life well-lived and evermore. You wished and willed it to stay, did what you thought was right and kept trying your very best, but forever’s gone away. No amount of pleading nor explosive rage could convince him, and not even yourself now. You keep trying as you feel it slip through your fingers, keep chasing as night falls on your dreams. You run.
You keep running and running. To a place where no one can touch you. To a place where you never will be wrong.
And that was your mistake.