

‘Too late’ is definitely a thing.

‘Too late’ – it happens all the time in life; the classic case is an adult realization that it’s much too late to be a child again, or perhaps being too late to love somebody you’ve lost. In relationships sometimes there is a point of no return, a point where it’s too late to salvage anything anymore. ‘Too late’ – it happens in basically almost every aspect of your world except for Pokemon. It’s never too late for Pokemon.

But that’s not the point. The point is that ‘too late’ isn’t a catch-all. You might have dreamed of becoming a badass, glam-faced newscaster, or perhaps a rugged, well-adventured journalist (wink wink). You might perhaps have dreamed of going pro with your sport, or perhaps your hobby. You now think it’s too late, and you might be right.

I’d thought it was too late for me too. Some regrets I hold are definitely ‘too late’ cases; not enjoying my student life enough, not being more open with my thinking during my university days, not asking her out, asking her out… The point is that there’s been too many cases of this in my life, and in all my previous wallowing, I had actually created many more cases of ‘too late’ without realizing it.

Which is why I’m writing this. To remind myself that ‘too late’ should never be an excuse, nor should it be a constant fixture in my life. I want to jump at opportunities, I want to live like I mean it, and after it all, I am going to live life the way I want. Because this world doesn’t owe me anything. I owe me everything and I owe the world the best version of me that I can be; the world needs my light, and others need me too. I will take hold of the future and seize every moment, and perhaps ‘too late’ would just have been a figment of my imagination?

Especially for that badass, glam-faced newscaster role 😉



What difference will I now make?